Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Bad Days

I am MUCH more aware of my dang mood since starting treatment last June.
It's a blessing and it's a curse.
This morning was ROUGH!
Like, it sucked the suck.

Mike is out of town.
He'll be home tonight and leave again tomorrow morning for two days.
Let's just say that it's a bit obvious that this man is gold and that he does mornings, and nights, like a freaking boss.
Because this morning was BAAAAAD.

I heard Braxton let the dogs out, but it was for a hot minute.
Like, less than a hot minute.
Then all three dogs are in my room while I am trying to get dressed and they are freaking the freak out because they have not yet been fed.

I go into my bathroom to put deodorant on and come out to a pile of shit on my carpet.
Yup, dog poo on my carpet.
I picked it up. 
Went out to get food bowls ready and Kaya is doing her stinking jumping in the air on all four legs thing while Izzy is doing her talking/barking thing, while Gus needs to pee again.
It was all bad.

I put both of the girls outside on their leads.
I am hearing barking and barking and barking.
I go outside and they have wrapped themselves around one of the deck poles approximately 593 times.
They are jumping on me while I am trying to get them off the leads.
Kaya is biting at my fingers because apparently she thinks I have food in my damn hands.

I forgot my almond milk for my breakfast at work.
I couldn't poop this morning so my tummy hurts.
I was stressed out beyond words.
And then Mike calls and my bluetooth won't work so I'm trying to talk to him whilst driving a stick.

It was all bad.
I got to work wanting to go back home and start the day over.
But that's not an option.
So, I'm choosing grace.
I told myself, "Self. This morning sucks balls. It is a shit show of a damn morning. You are swearing a lot and it's OKAY. Bad mornings happen. You aren't a damn failure. You DO need to poop. Let's work on that. Mike IS coming home tonight. Let's focus on the goodness of that. Bad days are OKAY.  Bad mornings are OKAY. YOU ARE OKAY."

And, we carry on.

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