Friday, July 31, 2020


Have you ever just wanted a darn apology?
Have you ever just wondered and wondered why someone cannot see your side of things and just be respectful??
Have you ever wondered why people are the way they are?
It's a tough one.

Katryna taught me so much about expectations.
Every time I have a neuropsych appointment, we go over this.
It's a hard one for me!

Katryna taught me this lesson so well.
As hard as it was for me to hear it, I heard it.
"Not everyone has the ability to understand that they've done wrong."
"Not everyone will be capable of seeing that their behavior is hurtful."
We have zero control over how someone perceives us or reacts to us or views their own behavior.

We are in a constant state of a bit of warfare in our home with outside influences.
Within our family unit, we are solid.
Outside influences take a toll on us, though.
So, we have been discussing these issues in detail for what I feel like is weekly (sometimes daily) for months and months.

Last night, I asked "What's the goal?"
When I heard the goal, I realized that I've been taught about this because of trials I've personally gone through.
NOTE: Isn't it "crazy" how trials we go through literally prepare us for upcoming goals??
Anywho, I explained that the goals that are in our minds are not going to ever come to fruition. 
They aren't.
Because that person is not capable of seeing things the same way.
That person is not capable of what you are wanting form her.
So, we have to have different goals.
Goals that are all about us, and not at all about other people.

Having expectations of other people is going to be a constant lost battle and I don't like losing!
While it would be great to have an apology, or to have someone treat you the way you feel you should be treated, or to expect someone to show you respect... 
It's not up to us whether or not that will happen.
So, our goals and expectations need to be about ourselves.

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