Friday, November 13, 2020

Dealing with a Narcissist

1. Speak up
2. Create boundaries
3. Expect pushback
4. Remember the truth of who they are
5. Demand action
6. Recognize when you need help
7. Get a support system
When to move on:
(This is very important. There is an addiction called co-dependency. When in a relationship with a narcissist, you tend to put all of your focus and attention on the narcissist and making them happy. You lose yourself in that. Thus - support system!)
1. Name calling, insults
2. Public humiliation
3. Jealousy and accusations
4. Yelling, threatening
5. You are being manipulated and controlled
6. Your mental and physical health has been affected
7. You feel isolated

This isn't something that just goes away.
When demanding action, that means ACTION... not just promises.
The person with NPD probably needs mental health help.


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