Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Virtuous Woman

Proverbs tells us a story about a woman grabbing the robe of the Savior:
The disciples pointed out the crowd and said that any number of people could have touched Him. But Christ knew that it was an intentional act, as He perceived that a portion of strength had left Him. The woman fell at His feet and admitted that it was she who had touched Him and then proceeded to tell Him her story. With compassion, Jesus told her that her faith had made her whole. The woman with the issue of blood was made whole through her faith, which was not in the act of touching the robe alone but in the many expressions of faith in the twelve years that proceeded her miraculous healing. Each prayer, each doctor's visit, each time she tried and failed - yet still persisted to be made well was a sign of faith in her eventual healing. She lived a holy life in such a way that when she heard of the Savior, she knew who He was and found Him. Her faith made her whole and holy.
- Christie Gardner

 Proverbs also states that the following qualities are virtuous:

* Literal breadwinner

* Buys property

* Plants a vineyard

* Performs spiritual and physical exercise

* Works into the night on work she perceives as good

* Serves

* Sells linen and clothing to local stores (for income)

* Clothes herself with strength and honor - spiritual DEVELOPMENT

* Keeps busy overseeing household work

* Is called blessed and praised by her family

I am her.

She is me.

You are her as well.

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