Monday, August 30, 2021

I Must Be Really Awful


How awful could I be that the very people who were supposed to love me the most, didn't?!
How unlovable could I possibly be to not be loved by those who were actually supposed to love me?!

 Oh, Sweet Child.
You were never awful.
You were never unlovable.
It was never about you.
Sure, you are not perfect.
In fact, no one here is.
Sure, you are always learning and growing.
In fact, that is actually the purpose of being here.
But, Sweet Person, you are worthy of love.
Especially from those who were always supposed to love you.
You are lovable.
In the most imperfectly perfect of ways.

Sweet Friend (Me),
It was never about you in reality.
The times you tried to change to be lovable;
The times you did exactly what you thought would make you lovable;
The times you tried so hard to make everything better by losing yourself just so you would be lovable;
It was never about you.
It was about them.
And, thankfully, you worth is not defined by anyone else's opinion of you.
It isn't defined by their behavior.
It isn't defined by what they say about you to other people.
It just is.
It is whole.
You are whole.
And lovable.
And so not awful.

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