Thursday, August 11, 2022

Heidi Rae Coaching - Difficulties Provide Opportunities

What IF our difficulties usher in our opportunities?! What if the doors that seem to close on us that we desperately wanted to open wide back us up into bigger and better doors?! What if those hard times that literally take our breath away allow us to have compassion and empathy that we could not know otherwise?!❤️
I have story after story after story I could tell, but I'm going to share just one today:
As a single mama who has not received financial assistance from the other party, money has been scarce... always. Yet, my boys and I have someone always had just what we needed: a roof over our heads and food in their bellies. We have been given hand-me-down clothes, shoes and coats for them. We have been brought random dinners and boxes of groceries. We have been gifted money and backpacks for back-to-school and holidays. I could go on and on.
One day, I was at Walmart. I don't remember why, but I was sitting on a stool at the Subway inside of Walmart. It was located at the front of the store and I was people watching, as you do. Right away, I noticed a mom with a toddler. Both had burn bandages on their arms and chest. There was an older gentleman with them. She had emptied one and a half carts worth of groceries onto the conveyor belt, bagged them, and was frantically looking through her purse and digging into her pockets. There was a large line of people behind her. She looked panicked. She didn't have her wallet. She had no way of paying for this.
I had just received my tax refund. I dug into my pocket, grabbed my debit card, walked up, slid my card and walked away.
I don't tell you this to brag. I don't tell you this to illustrate me doing a noble deed. I tell you this because through my trials, I was able to develop empathy. I tell you this because my boys and I have received kindness after kindness. I tell you this because my difficulties have provided me opportunities over and over and over again.
There is ALWAYS opportunity in difficulty, Babes. Always.


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