Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Heidi Rae Coaching - Honor The Needs of Your Soul

If I am repeating this story, please forgive me. Recently someone said to me that B and I seem to make each other very happy. I responded by telling them that before meeting each other we had both done the work to make ourselves happy, and that's why we are happy. It isn't now, nor will it ever be, B's job to make me happy. That's all on me.
The last few days, I've felt this shift in my attitude. I've been short, defensive, almost ready for a fight - but not really sure where that fight might come from. I've checked my vitals:
* I'm eating good
* I'm drinking water
* I'm spending time with family and holding babies
* I'm getting outside (maybe not enough)
* I'm moving my body (probably not enough)
I baked cookies. I got in the pool. I colored. I watched Celebrity Family Feud for crying out loud! Still, though... something is off.
***Note: it's actually normal for things to just seem off. There doesn't actually have to be anything "wrong" to feel off. It's still imperative to check my vitals to ensure I am doing what I need to be doing. But sometimes, I'm just going to be off.
Last night, B got home early for a Monday evening. He asked if I wanted to go watch Ryker's football conditioning. This would be a "Yes" 99% of the time, but last night I said, "No." He was perplexed, and internally I was too. What IS wrong with me, I questioned out loud.
I stayed home and I weeded the front yard, then I mowed the front lawn... which I've never done because it's the boys' job. I swept. I put garbages out. I went in the house and cleaned out the dishwasher, started some laundry, cleaned off counters. I sat on the edge of the tub and washed my grass-stained feet. Then I laid in bed with the dogs.
I guess it's what my soul needed. So, I honored that. Because that's my job.
"Caring for your own body, mind, and spirit is your greatest (and grandest) responsibility. It's about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them." Kristi Ling

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